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Why Recruiting Resilient Personalities Matters

In the past 2 years, the world has gone through many challenges – a pandemic, an economic crisis, and countless societal upheavals. Through it all, we have seen that one of the crucial traits for every life situation is anti-fragility and resilience. Those people are strong in tumultuous times and can adapt to any situation. This is why recruiters seek these personalities during the recruitment process. If you want to succeed in your job search, showcase your resilience and adaptability! If you are looking for strong, positive employees with a fighting spirit, resilient employees have the passion and perseverance to pursue your long-term goals.

Why is resilience an important trait to have?

Resilience is important for several reasons. First, it helps you cope with stress and adversity. When you are resilient, you have the ability to bounce back from difficult situations. You don’t dwell on your problems or let them get the best of you. Instead, you find ways to overcome them and move on with your life.

Second, resilience helps you stay calm and level-headed in facing challenges. When you are faced with a difficult situation, you don’t panic or become overwhelmed. You remain calm and collected, allowing you to think clearly and make decisions in your best interest.

Third, resilience gives you the strength to keep going when things are tough. When you encounter setbacks or difficult times, you don’t give up. You continue to strive for your goals, even when the going gets tough.

Fourth, resilience helps you learn from your mistakes. When you make a mistake, you don’t beat yourself up or dwell on it. Instead, you view it as a learning opportunity and use it to improve your future performance.

Finally, resilience helps you enjoy life more. When you are resilient, you don’t sweat the small stuff. You focus on the positive and savor the good moments. This allows you to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

How companies benefit from resilient employees

Companies benefit from resilient employees in many ways. Resilient employees are more likely to be successful. They don’t give up when things get tough and find ways to overcome challenges. This tenacity leads to staying in a company longer and greater success in their careers.

Resilient employees are less likely to call in sick. When you are resilient, you don’t let minor illnesses get the best of you. You power through and come to work, even when you’re not feeling your best. This reduces absenteeism and helps keep the company running smoothly. They are also more productive. When you are resilient, you don’t waste time dwelling on your problems. You find solutions and get the job done. This increased productivity benefits the company by helping it achieve its goals.

Resilient employees are less likely to experience burnout. When you are resilient, you have the ability to recover from stressful situations quickly. You don’t dwell on the negative or let it get the best of you. This helps you avoid burnout and maintain a high level of performance.

Finally, resilient employees are more positive. When you are resilient, you focus on the positive and find ways to overcome challenges. This positive attitude is contagious and benefits the company as a whole.

Recruiting for resilience

Can we recruit ready-to-go resilient team members? The answer is yes. The interview process is an opportunity to build trust and a relationship with those who are interviewing. It’s crucial they leave with a positive view of the organization and interview experience. Particularly in the candidate-driven recruitment market we find ourselves in currently. Protecting and enhancing your employer’s brand has never been more important.

When you are looking for resilient employees, there are certain qualities you can look for. Look for candidates who have a positive attitude. They should be upbeat and able to see the silver lining in every situation. Also, look for adaptable candidates. They should be able to roll with the punches and adjust to change easily. Recruiters should look for resourceful candidates who can find creative solutions to problems. Last but not least, look for candidates who are tenacious. They should never give up and always strive for their goals.

If you are looking for resilient employees, we at TalentInsight can help. We screen for resilience every time we recruit. Contact us today to get started.